Sunday, November 18, 2012

eggs good for breakfast


My kid likes egg i know that eggs has a good vitamins it has a high-quality in protein food packaged in calcium shell it has grounded and added for any recipe. The egg white is a high in protein, low-fat food with virtually no cholesterol. Its only important vitamin great also for riboflavin vitamin B2 a visible vitamin that gives egg white raw egg whites
Eggs keeping good on our body i cook eggs with toast for our breakfast and sometimes i make french bread with a coffee in the morning sounds breakfast is perfect  as i know this aside on  good for vitamen A,D the proteins in eggs has amounts of all the essential amino acids,  the standard by which all other proteins  and prevent you from indulge in mid day snacks. So there is a higher chance that we will lose more weight than someone who had bagels for breakfast  very good ha.  Happy sunday everyone.



  1. I love eggs for breakfast as it is fast and easy to cook..

  2. I so agree! I read about having eggs every breakfast meal is really important but sometimes I don't eat eggs every day.

  3. I knew that egg is good for children's breakfast and even for us but i don't know how its good:) Thanks for this info sissy..hehe !

  4. I am an egg person, ever since I was a kid. I just loved its flavor and the nutrients that comes with it.

  5. my husband loves egg for breakfast too. he has to have egg in his morning meal otherwise his day won't be complete hehehhe

  6. I love scramble eggs with tomato and onions with rice and coffee in the morning as well :-)

  7. Yes I agree but better if not fried. Great source of protein for kids who are very active.

    I love eggs but too much of it makes my skin blisters.

  8. We also love eggs in our breakfast. Our girls likes hard boiled egg, but they only eat the white. Hubby likes scrambled and I always like sunny side up, well done :-)

  9. I love eggs in the morning too because they are easy and quick to cook or prepare.

  10. my kids looove eggs! I cannot imagine how they like to eat eggs in every meal. LOL! It's good to know that it is very rich in protein.. but still I don't allow them to eat it every meal even though they beg. Just for breakfast! :)

  11. My family loves eggs too, like you do I often cook eggs for our breakfast, I noticed when I ate egg it made me feel full quickly which is a good idea when we want to lose weight like me.

    Thanks for this post, it gives me more knowledge about eggs..
